sabato 29 settembre 2012

Email notifications from Google Webmaster Tools

Dear Webmaster Tools user,

We know that having a healthy and well-performing website is important to you. To keep you informed about your site's status Webmaster Tools will now automatically send you a notification email if there are critical or important issues that we detect with your site.

We'll only send you email for issues that we think have significant impact on your site's health or search performance which have clear actions that you can take to address. For example, we'll email you if we detect malware on your site or see a significant increase in errors while crawling your site.

For most sites these kinds of issues will occur rarely. If your site does happen to have an issue we cap the number of emails we send over a certain period of time to avoid flooding your inbox.

If you don't want to receive any email from Webmaster Tools you can change your email delivery preferences at

We hope that you find this change a useful way to stay up-to-date on critical and important issues regarding your site's health.

If you'd like more information about Webmaster Tools and building Google-friendly websites please visit

The Webmaster Tools Team

© 2012 Google Inc. 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043

You have received this mandatory email service announcement to update you about important changes to your Google Webmaster Tools account.

domenica 18 marzo 2012

pershendetje miqesore

Pershendetje nga Gostivari deshira ime eshte te ju vizitoj  quhem Flutura Agai arita te realizoj 2 takime me zotri Zllatkun nga oda ekonomike.
Pr arsye qe nuk kisha numer celulari tju mar ne telefon per ndonje takim te mundshem o tju kisha lutur te gjeni mundesine dhe kohen .
Kam njeprojekt shum interesant dhe profitabil me nje numer shum te larte te afaristeve bisnesmen te interesuar ... kam nevoj per perkrahjen e juaj dhe afersine miqesore.. jam piktore magjister dhe me pelqen bisnesi nje koh kam jetuar ne Tirane  bera dhe shkollen atje
 origjina ime eshte nga  tirana gjakova dhe dibra.. ju pershendes  dhe me shum deshir po e pres takimin qe do te ma mundesoni  flutra agai 077682601 kete jave kemi nje takim bisnesi ne tirane ..konkretisht bej shitje te produkrteve ndertimore  ne forme ndermjetsimi dhe jam pregatitur me shum goca qe jane te gatshme ne maqedoni dhe jasht vendit te me ndihmojne  ne strategjin e shitjes - call center.
neser mund te kontaktojme dhe te takohemi nga java  me shum respekt flutura ...